Saturday, September 11, 2010

We've All Thought We've Known a Bride From Hell - Until You Meet this Bride From Hell

According to the sassy crime victim news correspondent diva, otherwise known as Nancy Grace, 23-year-old Jessica Vega pretended to have terminal cancer so she could attract sympathy from friends, relatives and strangers alike who stepped in to give her a dream wedding - FOR FREE! The rings, the wedding dress and the photos all were donated. The catering hall was heavily discounted, and the (awful) bride and her (dumb as a doornail) groom flew off to their honeymoon in Aruba with donated money, using plane tickets bought by well-wishers.

Apparently, the jig was up when Vega's rocket scientist husband, Michael O'Connell, finally realized that his long-time partner (and mother of his child) didn't appear to be ill.

According to various news sources, a criminal investigation is pending.

So our question to all you Matlock wannabes: What could she be charged with and/or convicted of?


  1. Fraud? And depending upon either the total amount of the donations and gifts (based on fraud), or the totals from individual donors, maybe larceny/grand larceny? Just guessing. wow....would love to get my hands on her to assess her diagnoses!!

  2. Aggravated Theft (value greater than $10,000). What a whack job!
